Nissan 200SX Workshop Manual - S13
(page updated 22.08.2012)

Thanks to the SXOC for originally supplying the manual - if you have problems with your 200SX, go there.

Complete manual (32mb)

Individual Sections:

  1. GI - General Information (701kb)
  2. MA - Maintenance (962kb)
  3. EM - Engine Maintenance (7mb)
  4. LC - Lubrication & Cooling (494kb)
  5. EF&EC - Engine Fuel & Emission Control (4.5mb)
  6. FE - Engine Control, Fuel & Exhaust Systems (205kb)
  7. CL - Clutch (415kb)
  8. MT - Manual Transmission (1.5mb)
  9. AT - Automatic Transmission (6mb)
  10. PD - Prop Shaft & Diff Carrier (1mb)
  11. FA - Front Axle & Suspension (662kb)
  12. RA - Rear Axle & Suspension (846kb)
  13. BR - Braking (1.8mb)
  14. ST - Steering (987kb)
  15. BF - Body (1.2mb)
  16. HA - Heater & Aircon (2.5mb)
  17. EL - Electrical System (3.4mb)